About Gail

Gail’s work has been dedicated to supporting, empowering and teaching adults and teens how to create their best lives.  As a licensed counselor, Gail has had a private counseling practice for over 30 years. She is the Founder of the CORE (Courage-Ownership-Respect-Empowerment) teen and adult seminars that she facilitated for over a decade.  This vast professional experience has provided Gail with invaluable insight for what brings people joy, what it takes to build healthy relationships, and how to navigate and cope with what life brings on to their path.

Gail has expertise in working with teens and their parents. Spending thousands of hours with teens and adults in her practice and the seminars has taught her what teens and parents want the most and how to get that from their families and life. Her book, Is Raising Your Teen a Piece of Cake? addresses the most frequent and challenging issues that the best of parents will face when raising their teens. Her book reassures parents that how their teen behaves is not just a reflection of their parenting, but is the result of  a multitude of complex factors. Parents often feel at fault when things go wrong, but Gail’s field work and experience demonstrates that they do not have to blame themselves.  This is a hopeful message to parents and the advice Gail shares in her book helps parents navigate these often stressful teen years.

Gail has a Graduate degree in Psychology and Community Counseling and is a licensed mental health counselor in Washington State. She lives with her husband in the beautiful Puget Sound area and has four children and four grandkids, two pugs and many wonderful friendships. Gail is grateful for a life filled with love and good fortune.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

  • My alter ego is the martini drinking terrible mom, Lucille Booth on Arrested Development (and I rarely drink).

  • I can not eat a popsicle or ice cream bar without putting the wrapper around the stick as the feeling of the stick itself is like fingernails on a chalkboard (remember chalkboards)?  Napkins and paper towels do not work either, has to be a slick wrapper.

  • I have lived in 8 different states and after I moved to WA at the age of 13, I lived in 15 different homes. Apparently, I am a bit of gypsy who loves to move, however, the thought of packing another box is now something I resist like the plague. All of the moves were by choice, so don’t start thinking I was evicted or running from the cops.

  • I worship the sun. Living in cloudy rainy WA is not easy for me. Any chance I get I head to the sun. I do not understand any of these Washingtonians who tell me they love the weather.

  • I have a very analytical mind; it never stops analyzing which is why being a counselor is a perfect career for me. This does not serve me, though, in my marriage or as a parent.

  • My favorite thing to do is be in the sun (yes, with 60 plus sunscreen and a hat) and reading. I, also, love a walk in the early morning sun, especially in Hawaii if I can pass the swimming turtles. Heaven.
  • I love animals more than people. Of course, I love people, but animals just automatically have my heart.
  • I have NO idea how I got this old. Life went by so fast, just like everyone says. It is true. I now know this by my own experience, it is one of those “what I know for sure” Oprah things.
  • I was voted the funniest girl in 9th grade. I was raised with humor and teasing. If I get teased I know I am loved. I have a thick shell and people score points with me if they tease me. I laugh a lot and often loud, which is often embarrassing for my family if we are at a movie together.
  • I have great intuition, the woo-woo ESP type, I can feel people through texting. I can feel peoples’ moods without being with them.  I think this is from years of work as a counselor. I have trained senses to feel what people are not telling me as well as listening to what they do want me to know.

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