Are You Open?

Are You Open?

Are you open? When a store or restaurant is open, it obviously means that you can come in and satisfy your need to shop or dine and often you are served. The door is open, all you do is walk-in. When a store or restaurant is closed you can not gain entry, you do not get your wants and needs met, you are not served and you may even feel stuck, as you really wanted what was in that business. How does this apply to your life?

Are you an open learner? An open book? Open to feedback? Open to new opportunities and risks? Open to failure? Open to imperfection? Open to new relationships, experiences, ideas, concepts, and beliefs?

When you live as an open learner as opposed to a closed learner, you will receive so much more of what life has to give. Closed learners are not open to anyone’s suggestions (maybe only a select few who agree with their ideas and beliefs), no one can tell them anything as they already know it all and have a resulting fixed mindset. They are not explorers, they are often righteous, closed-minded and critical to any other beliefs but their own.

That is the path of living without risk, and only through risk can we learn and grow.  Otherwise, we stay put and limit our possibilities and potential to challenge our beliefs and opinions in order to expand.  When we allow expansion, we get “bigger” and more well informed. We embrace diversity, our differences, and each other’s individual challenges and paths. We often gain more empathy and sympathy. Living open-minded with an open mindset is about letting life walk in, teach you some lessons and assist you in a life of growth, curiosity and opportunity.

Living close-minded, with a closed mindset, is shutting out anything and everything that you do not believe for yourself and living with an “I know” attitude instead of “I don’t know, but I am curious and want to know even more.”

Observe if you are open today? What new thought, belief, concept. or subject (such as nature, science, history, social issues, climate change, nutrition, politics, novels, non-fiction reads, documentaries would be interesting to explore that you hadn’t before?) What new people could you meet at work today or in your life?  I know that I have shut myself down to my own closed mindset around many unfamiliar topics and I, also, know when I allow myself to be open, more gets in and I gain so much more! I have more connection, life looks more interesting and I am stimulated and I grow!

I teach what I most need to learn.





What is one of the most difficult choices a woman can make?

What is one of the most difficult choices a woman can make?


Taking time just to be with herself-to fill up, to refuel and refresh! Women are taking care of everyone else all the time! This weekend retreat is for you! The location is in the radiant sunshine, (Surprise, AZ) April 4th and 5th, there is a pool, a firepit, a restaurant and bar, your own room you don’t have to share with anyone) and most of all an amazing two days of exceptional learning that you can apply to your life immediately! The impact of these two days will fill you up enough to be ready to get back into your everyday lives with new energy, new practices, and new awareness! What do you have to lose? More importantly, what will you gain?

What keeps you from showing up and expressing yourself 100% of the time?
What do you need from your relationships you may not be getting? (your partner, kids, family, co-workers, friends)
At your age what have you learned about life that surprises you?
Who do you aspire to be? ( is there a desire to grow, change, be an even better version of you?)

This retreat explores and provides, conversation,  concepts, and strategies for living your life on purpose with profound personal integrity and more unconditional love. 


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Gail A. Manahan is a licensed mental health counselor, the creator and founder of CORE seminars for Teens and Adults, Creator and Facilitator of Women’s Retreats and the author of Is Raising Your Teen a Piece of Cake? Check Gail out at Women, Wisdom and WTF? and sign up for her Waking Wise blog!
Gail’s newest book Love More, Resent Less is due out in 2020!


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Are You Open?

5 Essential Must Do’s for a Happier Life: #5


Practice #5: You know this one, the mother of them all… have a grateful heart. Write down three things you are grateful for every morning when you start your day. I know that even in the worst of circumstances you can find those gems. Perhaps, you are grateful for running water, hot water, a roof over your head, your support system, for all the laundry you have as it is evidence your family is alive and well. For your health or for the good medical care you have if you are struggling with your health. Be grateful for the wind that blows out the pollution, the food in your refrigerator, your car, your thick hair, fresh fruit and veggies, your comfy bed, your loyal pet,  your functioning body, your friends and family.  There are so many things we can be grateful for, even when we feel sad, lonely, frustrated or when we grieve our devastating losses. Acknowledging that you are grateful everyday for things in your life will take you to a place of relief, if not for just a few minutes. It is worth it.

This is a practice and practice makes permanent.  When you practice these essential five things daily, I promise you your day will be better, your happiness level increased and this will put a smile on your beautiful heart. 

Are You Open?

5 Essential Must Practice for a Happier Life: #4

Practice 4: UNPLUG! Store those devices away from you, turn the TV or radio off. Listen to the quiet, listen for birds, dogs barking, cars going by, people talking. Take a good look at your surroundings and appreciate all that you can as you take in your environment. Let your senses have a break from texting, social media, the news, your favorite show. Just unplug even if it’s 15 or 20 minutes a day (the longer the better!).

My Buddhist friend attended a 10-day silent retreat. Now get this, she did not talk to anyone, including a roommate she was with, no phone, no computer, no electronics at all. AND, no books, no reading, no writing. Simply BEING.  There was group meditating, breathing, sleeping, breathing, being present, breathing, being in the moment. She reported it was the most miraculous experience! Her dreams were more vivid, her mind settled and calm, she felt transformed and filled with love.

Unplug every day for at least 20 minutes if not more and see how your life is when you focus somewhere other than your devices. The people in your life you spend time with, your spouse and kids and friends will also love this!

5 Essential Practices for a Happier Life: #3

5 Essential Practices for a Happier Life: #3

Practice 3: Do at least 1-2 things for someone else today they did not expect. I am not talking about the laundry you do, the meals you plan, the job you do at work. I am talking about unexpected acts of kindness, that are a surprise. If you practice 1-2 acts of kindness every day, you will get back more return on your kindness than you gave. Compliment someone! Pay for their Starbucks in the drive-through, send a card to a friend letting them know how much you value them, leave a lipstick message on your bathroom mirror for your love or on your kid’s bathroom mirror.  Treat a friend or co-worker to coffee, lunch or dinner. Send someone a gift online, run an errand for someone, volunteer for something.

One of my friends, went to her friend’s home to vacuum for her (they are very good friends and have keys to each other’s homes). My friend was so excited to sneak in and vacuum for her friend, knowing her friend was getting house guests and was short on time. While my friend was vacuuming away she was having so many fun thoughts about how surprised and grateful her friend would be. After her friend, returned home she waited for her response. Nothing. One hour later nothing. Two hours later, nothing. Finally, my friend texted her and said, “I vacuumed for you, I wanted to surprise you!” And, her friend said,’Oh my gosh, I got home late, didn’t turn on any lights and went to bed, I am so sorry I didn’t notice!”  While disappointed, my friend said, “I had so much fun planning this and doing this to surprise her, it was really all the reward I needed, it was so much fun and got me out of my funk!”

Try it! Practice it and the sheer joy of “surprise giving, ”  will make your day as well as the person who gets to receive your kindness!


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