Curiosity is the explorer in all of us to build a bigger life, to stretch our thinking and our interests to the millions of lessons we can learn about the world we live in.

To be curious is to not know which is the highest emotional intelligence we can possess. By not knowing we are open to exploring new ideas, concepts, history, the future, science, health, and all of the variety of people, cultures, lifestyles, religions and spiritual paths in our world,  just to name a few.

Curiosity is the main attribute of open-minded people.

People who are close-minded know as opposed to not knowing, they have all the answers and are not particularly curious in learning anything more outside of what they already know. They have it all locked up and decided.

Are you a curious person? Are you passionate about learning, exploring, and being open to new ideas? Do you love asking questions to the people you meet or have known forever, that will enhance your learning about them and their world?

Are you a lifelong learner? Are you willing to go out of your comfort zone to try out new experiences, and learn new information about topics you may not have even considered before?

The opposite of being curious is boredom and stagnation. And with google at your fingertips, access to media, books, the classes and events that your community offers and the people in your life, you really have no excuse to be bored.

Be active in your curiosity., explore, you will live a more fulfilling, passionate and stimulated life!

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