WTF Wisdom for Women
5 Essential Practices for a Happier Life: #2
Practice 2: When you find yourself wondering why is this happening to me? remind yourself that 95% of your circumstances in life started with your choices! Don’t like your relationship? Wasn't it you who wanted to be with this person? Don’t like your teen’s attitude?...
5 Essentials Must Do’s for A Happier Life:Essential #1
LIFE ESSENTIAL #1: Practice Makes Permanent The keyword is practice! We all wake up every day with a mood, an attitude, either positive or negative self-talk or somewhere in between. Every morning is a new start to your day and no matter what is going on in your life,...
Early Bird Registration for the AZ Women’s Retreat!
CONTINUE TO TRANSFORM INTO THE BEST VERSION OF YOU! I value open honest conversations between women regarding their life journey. Do you? Join me for a weekend of learning and continued growth with other women. We will explore how we cope, what we are learning...
And here is to life in 2020!
Here we all are again! Alive, hopefully well, and reading this post in the New Year of 2020. New Year's Eve is my favorite holiday as I love that there are no presents to buy or big meals to prepare and it is a time of reflection about the past and projection about...
Save the Date!
Join me and other women who love to grow, and who value honest, open and insightful conversations regarding our lives. Where are you now, where do you want to go from here and how are you currently navigating? Learn new concepts to apply to your life and gain clarity...
Connecting is the Reason for the Season
Holidays are a time of connection with family and friends at a more accelerated rate than our normal pace. We connect at the Thanksgiving Dinner table, at holiday office parties, with cards and gifts. with that extra phone call to friends or family at a distance. This...
Perfection or Progress?
Many of us are programmed from early childhood to achieve and to succeed. How many times do we ask children, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Just ask any Senior in high school how many times they are asked, "What are you going to do after high school? Did...
My Lessons of Impermanence
"There is only one law in the Universe that never changes-that all things change, and that all things are impermanent."** I have been navigating my own impermanence, as my life in the last few weeks has been teaching me this one often joyful and often tragic lesson....
Can You Infinitely Expand?
Women feel their partners and kids expect them to manage everything most of the time. Not only can they manage the daily domestic "to-dos", along with no job, part-time or full-time jobs, they also are expected to plan menus, shop for groceries, plan vacations, pack...
Circumstantial Self-Esteem
To continue the lifetime journey of being true to yourself, and living your life lined up with your beliefs and values, there is another internal regulating system inside of you that can assist you to stay on your authentic path. This system is your "enlarging or...