WTF Wisdom for Women
Do you teach your kids this lesson?
The Dalai Lama shared: In the West, you have education. This is good. You have technology. This is good. But you do not educate your people in values of the heart, of compassion. This you must do,” the Dalai Lama said. “It does not matter whether you are Buddhist or...
Plan Your Escape
You have probably heard the expression, "You need to fill your cup" which is a metaphor for taking care of yourself first, before everyone else. Unfortunately, a woman's default button is first taking care of everyone and everything before putting herself first. And,...
Are Your Neighbors Happier Than You?
Do you think at times that your friends and other people are just running around living these amazing lives, all happy and energetic and enjoying life to the fullest? While you may be coping with your own mental health issues such as depression or anxiety, feeling...
Do You Forget to Appreciate the Joy of What is Gone?
When we have a toothache, we know that not having a toothache is happiness. But later, when we don't have a toothache, we don't treasure our non-toothache. Practicing mindfulness helps us learn to appreciate the well-being that is already there. Thich Nhat Hanh...
Happiness starts here even though you may not like it
Visit my website for your free copy of Five Essential Daily Must Do’s for a Happier You! ( This is an excerpt and the key is practice: Practice 1 The only person you can change is you! You have 100% direct influence on how you behave, how you fill...
Trust Trust Trust
The body-mind connection is where every answer you are looking for is located: in your body, your gut or your core, whatever you wish to call it, When you are looking for answers from the smallest questions to the biggest questions, your answers are inside. BUT, you...
I Don’t Love My Dog
My clients often share with me that they don't know how to access their feelings or that their partner has a tough time sharing their feelings. Feelings are usually in the range of sad, mad, or glad and are different than our thoughts. " I thought the movie was sad"...
Your Primary Relationship Must Include This
Falling in love usually leads to wanting more and more: more time with your partner, more stability and that “living happily ever after” dream of being together forever. However, love is not enough when it comes to personal happiness and fulfillment. “No...
Is it Co-Dependency or Kindness?
As women we do a lot for other people sometimes to the detriment of our own joy and well-being. Sacrifice is involved: sacrifice of our time, our free will and our feelings. If what you want to do today is go to the gym, shop a bit, meet a friend for lunch and maybe...
Enjoy a Good Dinner Conversation?
Almost everyone is screwed up. broken, clingy, scared, and yet designed for joy. Even (or especially) people who seem to have it more or less together are more like the rest of us than you would believe. I try not to compare my insides to their outsides because this...