I Don’t Love My Dog

I Don’t Love My Dog

My clients often share with me that they don’t know how to access their feelings or that their partner has a tough time sharing their feelings. Feelings are usually in the range of sad, mad, or glad and are different than our thoughts. ” I thought the movie was sad” is not a feeling it is a thought. “I was so sad when I watched the movie, tears were streaming down my face.” Your body first records feelings before your mind is aware of them. Try this exercise: “I don’t love my (and insert your pet’s name or a person’s name). See how that feels in your body.  Now reverse this: “I love my pet or person’s name.” You can feel the difference in your body. Practice focusing on how your feelings are connected to your body. The body-mind connection is powerful. Often we hear about “the mind-body connection” but it is actually the reverse. Our body, our gut, our core is our operating system. It feeds our mind information 24/7 and is your most valuable resource. More on this in future posts.

The World is Not Divided into Two Types of Women

“Of course, the world is not divided into two types of women: those who grow and those who don’t. All of us fit into both groups almost every day of our lives. Some of the time, we are good copers and resilient human beings, in other moments, we are reactive and pessimistic. Pain, sorrow and anger will always be with us. But, with will, intentionality, and the right set of skills, we can be happier over the long haul.” (Women Rowing North, Mary Pipher, page 2 Kindle). All of us can expand our self-awareness at any age, and at any time. Having a curious and open mindset and seeking conversations about ourselves with counselors, our more enlightened friends, reading self-growth books, googling pertinent articles on the areas in our lives we wish to improve. There simply is no shortage of help available once you commit to growing, healing and becoming more self-aware. I am here for you, also.

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