Happiness starts here even though you may not like it

Visit my website for your free copy of Five Essential Daily Must Do’s for a Happier You! (Gailmanahan.com)

This is an excerpt and the key is practice:

Practice 1  The only person you can change is you! You have 100% direct influence on how you behave, how you fill yourself with positive support such as spiritual or uplifting books, podcasts, blogs, Youtube, Ted Talks, short stories, and how you view the world. You are the circle of influence, the one person you can count on to change for the better. I know it would be so much easier if you could just change everyone else, and, I am sure you work on that a little bit every day. However, as you are well aware of, no one wants your good advice, your smart observations or correcting someone else’s behaviors, unless, of course, you are asked directly to do so.  So today, put your energy into your own well being, self-improvement, self-acceptance and love yourself up a bit just to be sure you get some love at the start of your day. (And, if you don’t know how to do that…here is how: give yourself 3 compliments, write down 3 things you are grateful for and choose super healthy food to start your day, and put some time in your morning for a walk, yoga treadmill or the gym).

Trust Trust Trust

Trust Trust Trust

The body-mind connection is where every answer you are looking for is located: in your body, your gut or your core, whatever you wish to call it, When you are looking for answers from the smallest questions to the biggest questions, your answers are inside. BUT, you must practice being tuned in. These answers come as nudges, hints, ideas, and they wrestle with your “I should do this or that” constant internal conversations. Listening to you, your wants, desires, and intuitions is where you find your truth, your authenticity, your answers and your integrity and peace of mind. Start today with tuning in and paying attention and separating the endless programmed shoulds with What is true for me? What do I want? With practice, your ability to access your truth will be strengthened, resulting in more clarity, enthusiasm, and personal autonomy and authenticity.

Your Primary Relationship Must Include This

Your Primary Relationship Must Include This



Falling in love usually leads to wanting more and more: more time with your partner, more stability and that “living happily ever after” dream of being together forever. However, love is not enough when it comes to personal happiness and fulfillment.

No partnership of equals — that is, no truly satisfying partnership — can be complete without each partner recognizing and respecting in the other a sense of purpose beyond the relationship, a contribution to the world that reflects and advances that person’s deepest values and most impassioned dreams, in turn adding creative, intellectual, and spiritual fuel to the shared fire of the relationship.” (Cinderalla Liberator by Rebecca Solnit and Arthur Rackham).



The World is Not Divided into Two Types of Women

“Of course, the world is not divided into two types of women: those who grow and those who don’t. All of us fit into both groups almost every day of our lives. Some of the time, we are good copers and resilient human beings, in other moments, we are reactive and pessimistic. Pain, sorrow and anger will always be with us. But, with will, intentionality, and the right set of skills, we can be happier over the long haul.” (Women Rowing North, Mary Pipher, page 2 Kindle). All of us can expand our self-awareness at any age, and at any time. Having a curious and open mindset and seeking conversations about ourselves with counselors, our more enlightened friends, reading self-growth books, googling pertinent articles on the areas in our lives we wish to improve. There simply is no shortage of help available once you commit to growing, healing and becoming more self-aware. I am here for you, also.

Your Natural Intelligence

Your Natural Intelligence

“Natural Intelligence is always accessible to us. When we’re not caught in the trap of hope and fear, we intuitively know what’s the right thing to do. If we’re not obscuring our intelligence with anger, self-pity, or craving, we know what will help and what will make things worse.” (Taking The Leap, by Pema Chodron, pg5. Kindle). When we move out of fear and listen to our core self, our gut and heart we always know the right thing to do. Sometimes it takes some time, to sift through all the shoulds to get to what is actually true for you.


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