Feb 18, 2020
Please excuse the technical error on my last post where it pulled two pics-the one with the 2020 champagne glasses was not to have been in the post. Troubleshooting the site with tech expert to prevent this in the future. (and to test if a picture randomly posts with this message).
Feb 17, 2020
Our life is the result of the choices we make. We choose our state of being, attitude and frame of reference. If we hold others accountable for our life then we have to wait for them to change before we can change our life. (Nathaniel Branden)
Feb 2, 2020
Practice #5: You know this one, the mother of them all… have a grateful heart. Write down three things you are grateful for every morning when you start your day. I know that even in the worst of circumstances you can find those gems. Perhaps, you are grateful for running water, hot water, a roof over your head, your support system, for all the laundry you have as it is evidence your family is alive and well. For your health or for the good medical care you have if you are struggling with your health. Be grateful for the wind that blows out the pollution, the food in your refrigerator, your car, your thick hair, fresh fruit and veggies, your comfy bed, your loyal pet, your functioning body, your friends and family. There are so many things we can be grateful for, even when we feel sad, lonely, frustrated or when we grieve our devastating losses. Acknowledging that you are grateful everyday for things in your life will take you to a place of relief, if not for just a few minutes. It is worth it.
This is a practice and practice makes permanent. When you practice these essential five things daily, I promise you your day will be better, your happiness level increased and this will put a smile on your beautiful heart.
Jan 21, 2020
LIFE ESSENTIAL #1: Practice Makes Permanent
The keyword is practice! We all wake up every day with a mood, an attitude, either positive or negative self-talk or somewhere in between. Every morning is a new start to your day and no matter what is going on in your life, if you practice, or intend, or want to, or begin… to put these 5 things into place, I promise you, you will feel better, more satisfied and increase your happiness and satisfaction with your life.
Let’s start with the most important one, and the one you might dislike hearing the most:
The only person you can change is you! You have 100% direct influence on how you behave, how you fill yourself with positive support such as spiritual or uplifting books, podcasts, blogs, Youtubes, Ted Talks, short stories, and how you view the world. You are the circle of influence, the one person you can count on to change for the better. I know it would be so much easier if you could just change everyone else, and, I am sure you work on that a little bit every day. However, as you are well aware of, no one wants your good advice, your smart observations or correcting someone else’s behaviors, unless, of course, you are asked directly to do so. So today, put your energy into your own well being, self-improvement, self-acceptance and love yourself up a bit just to be sure you get some love at the start of your day. (And, if you don’t know how to do that…here is how: give yourself 3 compliments, write down 3 things you are grateful for and choose super healthy food to start your day, and put some time in your morning for a walk, yoga treadmill or the gym.
Research shows that practice makes permanent-permanent pathways through our brains, making that “highway” easier for you to travel every day. And, habits your no longer practice start to fade since you are no longer traveling that road. Start today with practicing this #1 Life Essential. #2 is on its way.
Jan 17, 2020
I value open honest conversations between women regarding their life journey. Do you? Join me for a weekend of learning and continued growth with other women. We will explore how we cope, what we are learning about life at our various ages, what keeps us stuck and how we can continue to evolve. Join Gail and other women for a soul-filling, heartwarming, meaningful retreat in sunny Surprise, AZ April 4th and 5th, 2020
What keeps you from showing up and expressing yourself 100% of the time?
What do you need from your relationships you may not be getting? ( your partner, kids, family, co-workers, friends)
At your age what have you learned about life that surprises you?
Who do you aspire to be? ( is there a desire to grow, change, be an even better version of you?)
This retreat explores and provides, conversation, concepts, and strategies for living your life on purpose with profound personal integrity and more unconditional love.
Gail A. Manahan is a licensed mental health counselor, the creator and founder of CORE seminars for Teens and Adults, Creator and Facilitator of Women’s Retreats and the author of Is Raising Your Teen a Piece of Cake?
Gail’s newest book Love More, Resent Less is due out in 2020!