Buddhist wisdom says: There are no Good People or Bad People there are only Skilled and Unskilled. Think about this in your own experiences. What makes someone a bad driver or a good driver? A good cook or a not so good cook? A good surgeon or a bad surgeon? An effective parent or an ineffective parent? What makes a good marriage or a bad marriage? A good mechanic or a bad mechanic? Good customer service or bad customer service?

Being good at anything in life has to do with our skillsets, what we have learned, what we know, and what we successfully apply. If there is one consistent complaint I hear when working with my clients (and what personally negatively affects my relationship) is a lack of good communication in their relationships.  When my husband and I have a disconnect in our communication we can bicker and argue and both of us can be left frustrated and misunderstood.

When we use the skills we have learned from self-growth classes, retreats, workshops, and seminars we have participated in, we then connect better, communicate better, and feel better about ourselves and our relationship.

You were not born with skillsets for swimming, driving a car, baking a cake or communicating effectively. You have learned to swim and not drown by taking classes or having someone teach you to stay afloat. You took classes or had someone teach you to drive a car so you safely stayed on the road. You didn’t just walk into your kitchen and pull out a bunch of random ingredients to bake a cake, you followed a recipe that someone else put together so the chemistry would create a delicious cake. And, those of you who are functioning at a high level in your marriages, family, friends, and co-workers’ relationships have learned effective skills that someone taught you whether through classes, seminars, workshops, books, magazines or via good role modeling.

My entire life’s work is teaching people how to live a better life. My expertise, my playbook, my skill set IS teaching people emotional, social and personal effectiveness intelligence.  I invite you to join me this July to learn more skills resulting in more love, happiness, joy and success in YOUR life. Check out my upcoming online mini-course starting in just a few days! https://tinyurl.com/yarwcxhu

I guarantee that what you learn will be invaluable and improve every relationship in your life!

See you on the Zoom July 7th! enroll here https://tinyurl.com/yarwcxhu

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