The most powerful tool we have for changing our attitudes, viewpoints and for coping in a more resourceful and soothing manner, is our ability to re-frame any situation. While our content in life can be the same-we are in our same families, have our same friendship groups, our work, our homes our same hair and body, etc. You know, our content, our stuff, what we have and do. The re-frame power is in the context. How we hold our content. The frame we put on it, the vantage point we interpret our content from. That is where all of our personal power comes from.
While the virus is changing everyone’s lives my re-frame for today is “It’s a great day to be alive if you or anyone you care about is virus free!’
When my cousin died at the age of 17, his mom said “If money can fix it, it’s not a problem.” This has stuck with me when I am most stressed. Think about this, what can money fix? And, what can’t it fix? This was one of the best re-frames I had heard, and it applies to our lives now. Losing income, our way of life can all be fixed once the virus has passed and life goes back to normal. But, losing people we love, that is something money can not fix. And, that indeed is a problem.
We can keep ourselves safe, we do have the ability to stay home and use good hygiene. And, if your work is an essential service or you are a medical worker your risks go up so good hygiene is what you can do to lower your risk. For me today even though being home is getting a bit tedious, “It’s a great day to be alive because I am virus free as are my loved ones at this moment.” I hope this is your situation, also.
Love to hear your re-frames!