Taking time just to be with herself-to fill up, to refuel and refresh! Women are taking care of everyone else all the time! This weekend retreat is for you! The location is in the radiant sunshine, (Surprise, AZ) April 4th and 5th, there is a pool, a firepit, a restaurant and bar, your own room you don’t have to share with anyone) and most of all an amazing two days of exceptional learning that you can apply to your life immediately! The impact of these two days will fill you up enough to be ready to get back into your everyday lives with new energy, new practices, and new awareness! What do you have to lose? More importantly, what will you gain?
What keeps you from showing up and expressing yourself 100% of the time?
What do you need from your relationships you may not be getting? (your partner, kids, family, co-workers, friends)
At your age what have you learned about life that surprises you?
Who do you aspire to be? ( is there a desire to grow, change, be an even better version of you?)
This retreat explores and provides, conversation, concepts, and strategies for living your life on purpose with profound personal integrity and more unconditional love.