As a counselor, I have had the privilege of listening to my clients searching for their authentic Self. Typically, their relationships define them, the roles they play in those relationships:  partner, wife, husband, friend, parent, child, work life, and so on. But, searching for the authentic Self plays out in every one of those relationships.  Questions one might ask as they search for their authentic Self is: “I wonder what I should do? What do they want from me? Am I being selfish? How do I even know what I want? I don’t like my body, I don’t like my bad habits, I want to change.” All of this is a search for your authentic Self. Who you are apart and yet connected to others in one’s life is a lifetime journey.  Discovery of your true Self starts with paying attention to your beliefs and values, how you arrived at them, and if you still believe them. The next step is how you behave, do you behave aligned with your beliefs and values? Or do you need to change your behavior or your beliefs?  More on search for Self in my next posts.

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