Thank God for Women

I have been enjoying taking the month off from my regular activities related to my work;  in my desperate attempt to fully enjoy the last month of summer before COVID pushes me back inside without the beautiful walks and time spent outdoors.  It has been a month of conversations with my family, friends and my women clients. And, of course, with any conversation with women, there are similar themes that always come up in their lives.

The Shoulds are always at the top of the list. As natural caretakers, nurturers, planners, home supervisors and connectors, women can feel burdened making sure just about everyone they care about receives their support and love. And giving all that love and care can be exhausting and can feel like a burden as their role is to give and give and give, sometimes thanklessly and often on demand.

Just in the last month this is what women have been up to that I personally know:

  • Nursing a husband 24/7 from a surgery.
  • Making weekly trips to care for an elderly father who lives alone.
  • Planning grocery lists and packing for the entire family in order to go camping, vacationing, or a weekend getaway.
  • Preparing classrooms to go back to school and adjusting to virtual teaching as well as preparing their own children to be at home with them.
  • Taking care of grandchildren so their parents can get a break.
  • Leaving an unhealthy and destructive relationship which results in heartbreak since that was NOT the way it was supposed to go, but having the courage to move on and begin again,
  • Women wrestling with the fear that they will not find the love of their life while their biological time clock is ticking away.
  • A woman running off to spontaneously marry the love of her life.
  • Moms having their adult children tell them you ruined my life while you were raising me or some form of this (this has happened to two good friends, whom I personally know were FABULOUS parents, so this has broken their hearts).
  • Women catering more to their husband’s needs now that they have both retired.
  • A mother stressed that their single parent daughter who takes care of her special needs child needs their support both emotionally and financially,
  • A mom (ok, this is me) working on thousands of pictures taken over the last 45 years that needed to be organized and sorted and put on the cloud to share with her family (a legacy project and who else would do this)?
  • Women running their own businesses that are often steps away from failing due to COVID,
  • Women following through on often nasty treatments to live longer lives to fight their cancer so they can still be here to care for their kids.
  • Women attending to sick spouses who had COVID.
  • Women raising young kids 24/7 with little relief since COVID keeps most near home without the typical outlets.

Of course, there are endless situations women are coping with, loving and supporting their families, often being undervalued or even blatantly disrespected from the ones they love the most. However, the women I know look to see where they have created this, where they can place blame on themselves to see if they need to change. The women I know reach out to their girlfriends or professionals for support, and they keep hanging in there, they don’t leave, they don’t stop doing and caring and doing and caring, no matter the weight of their responsibilities, the demands put on them, their own sadness and disappointment when others have walked away or disappointed them. The women I know have endless courage, strength and perspective that keeps them front and center with all the people they care about and care for.

Women are my most favorite people on the planet. They literally keep the world going and if they can move into more influential roles with more power attached, I am quite confident that our world would be a much better place to live in. No doubt about it. I honor all of you and I see you, I respect all you do, and I love who you are.




One Wise Woman said…

One Wise Woman said…

I received the book Untamed, by Glennon Doyle in the mail and I have no idea who sent me this beautiful gift. (If you did please let me know so I can say THANK YOU, this is such a beautiful book). Every page is yummy! I wanted to share this brilliant nugget with you below as this is something I teach and believe strongly in when working with women.

I’ve seen what happens out in the world and inside our relationships when women stay numb, obedient, quiet and small. Selfless women make for an efficient society but not a beautiful, true or just one. When women lose themselves, this world loses its way. We do not need more selfless women. What we need right now is more women who have detoxed themselves so completely from the world’s expectations that they are full of nothing but themselves. What we need are women who are full of themselves. A woman who is full of herself knows and trusts herself enough to say and do what must be done. She lets the rest burn. (Glennon Doyle, Untamed)

Where did all your beliefs about who you are, what you can achieve and the roles you are supposed to play in life come from? EVERYWHERE! Your parents, childhood, advertising, friends, co-workers, social media to name a few. When you show up every day expressing who you are, what matters to you, what brings you joy, you are then living a life of integrity and contribution. And, creating that space in your life immediately creates space for others to do the same. It’s a win-win.

Stay tuned for my newest class: High Functioning Relationships: the Five Absolutely Essential Steps to Even More Connection, Fun and Happiness! 5 one hour classes via zoom beginning July 7th. (email me at [email protected] for more info and to enroll)!



A Wise Woman Shared These Words of Wisdom (thank you Amy)

A Wise Woman Shared These Words of Wisdom (thank you Amy)

You can copy these questions and put on your mirror or within your sight during the day- this is a great checklist for coping!

Remember SHORT TERM PAIN=LONG TERM GAIN. This is not fun by any means;  staying home, not socializing and not being fully back in our lives. But, listening to the medical personnel PLEADING with us all to stay home, this is short term pain for all of us. However, they know more than anyone what is actually happening, the sick, the dying, those who make it. So, yes, this is not fun and it is restricting, especially income wise for those who have lost their income,  But, staying home will result in long term gain for all of us, or for all who are fortunate enough to live through this pandemic.

Hang in there, this too shall pass, it really really will.

If I can help you out, let me know!


How to Not Be Lonely

How to Not Be Lonely

Feeling lonely is becoming an epidemic even with all our connecting via social media and phones. Feeling lonely is one of our deepest and most troubling emotions. When we do not have close intimate relationships, friendships or close family ties we suffer from wondering what our purpose is in life, who values our existence, where do we belong and who do we belong to. We have five basic emotional needs we seek every day of our lives in order to feel good and they are: To feel loved, valued, respected, capable and that we belong. 

Loneliness can be deadly: this according to former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, among others, who has stressed the significant health threat. Loneliness has been estimated to shorten a person’s life by 15 years, equivalent in impact to being obese or smoking 15 cigarettes per day. A recent study revealed a surprising association between loneliness and cancer mortality risk, pointing to the role loneliness plays in cancer’s course, including responsiveness to treatments. (Scientific American By Claire Pomeroy on 

How do we overcome our loneliness? All of us can experience feeling lonely at times in our lives. If we move away from friends or family, or if they move away from us, if we are in a new job, new school, going through a relationship break up, being ill, or losing someone we love for example. These are all times in our lives we can feel detached and lonely. These situations usually will pass in time, but feelling lonely when your life appears to be a good one results in a chronic disconnection that is harmful to our mental and physical health,  not to mention our spirit.

The good news is you can take action in order to ward off chronic loneliness, there are 3 paths to connection and building close relationships.

  1.  Begin the “dating” process: Take notice of people you work with or live by, or any group situation you frequent; gyms, churches, yoga classes, any classes you may be taking, etc. If you see someone who seems like someone interesting to you, or friendly, reach out and start a conversation. Do not wait for anyone to reach out to you.  After you get past some friendly hellos and light conversations, invite them for coffee, or invite two or three people. Sometimes meeting new people in twos or more is less intimate and more comfortable at first. It spreads the conversation around. If you enjoyed your conversation, follow up with contact info and ask them “out” again. Don’t rush it, do pace yourself, but you do the inviting. DO NOT WAIT TO BE INVITED, people don’t seem to be big inviters these days, but they do seem to say yes to an invitation. So “date” your new acquaintance,  the more you meet with them. the more comfortable it gets.
  2. Volunteer or join many groups. If you volunteer where there are less fortunate people such as food banks, hospitals, non-profits or charities you will feel better as you are doing good for others and at the same time meeting other volunteers. Already you are sharing common interests. Schools in your community are great places to volunteer-helping kids read, write, supervising playgrounds, being a mentor. There are community groups who need you with a lot of opportunities to be of service such as your Rotary, Lions and Kiwanis clubs. There may be Boys and Girls Clubs looking for volunteers and other youth programs. You will feel lonely if you stay home- that is a 100% predictable result of isolating. So, set a goal, maybe a few baby steps but at least begin connecting outside of your home.
  3. Moms who do not work outside of the home are often lonely. There are lots of mom groups to join, and sometimes Facebook or Meet Up has local groups who are available with a few key search words.  If you are at the other end of the spectrum and are retired, consider getting a part-time job where you would enjoy meeting people. This is, of course, an option if you do not want to volunteer or join clubs.

HOWEVER, the best thing you can do no matter what your circumstance is to be the inviter! Stop waiting for anyone to reach out to you. You must be that person who reaches out. Pace your self, no need to feel desperate or needy, just a simple invite to meet someone to coffee or even lunch or to take a walk. It can be awkward at first, you are going to feel uncomfortable (part of taking risks is the “groan zone’) but moving through the discomfort leads to connection and connecting leads to friendships.

I would love to hear any suggestions you have to move out of loneliness and to get connected. There are 7.53  billion people on the planet, I am sure you can find some new friends where ever you live.   We have more in common than not, it just takes some time and effort to find out.






All Events Are Neutral, Seriously

All Events Are Neutral, Seriously

Life is the thing you bring with you inside your own head (author Sally Rooney, Normal People).

Think about it, we are the ones who bring meaning to our lives. There is no meaning outside of our own minds and hearts. Everything we experience is from our insides-it is not out there. For example: you hear ambulance and fire truck sirens close to your home, Your daughter just left your home and you are anxious that maybe she was involved in an accident. You start to get more worried even when you attempt to calm yourself down with some rational thoughts; she is probably fine, don’t worry. But, you are still anxious enough to call her to see if she is okay. And, thankfully, she is and those sirens had nothing to do with her.

At this point, your thoughts are relieved and you continue on to whatever it was you were doing. A car accident is a neutral event;  simply two large heavy machines colliding into the same space, resulting in a car wreck. What does bring meaning to this collision is YOU. If it was your car and you were in the accident, you may be dealing with injuries, insurance companies, the police, perhaps, even deaths. If this collision involves anyone you care about it can result in emotional turmoil, loss and grief. This is no longer just two machines occupying the same space. This is your life!

We bring meaning to our life, we are the ones who have an emotional attachment and response to those we love, to our homes, our work, our planet, every aspect of our lives. But to others who have no idea who we are, we are a neutral event-neither here nor there, not even really existing. We create all the meaning, interpretations, our beliefs and values, our preferences, our opinions ALL OF IT. There is no inherent value in the world out there, only how we experience it.

This means you have the power to choose! Your self talk, your reaction, how you hold your life’s circumstances. You are constantly talking to your self inside your mind, you can redirect your self-talk, you can soothe yourself, you can put a new frame on any of the content in your life. Build that muscle, it takes practice.

Always on your team,


If you want personal coaching check me out on the Psychology Today at the 98065 Zip code Click:  Psychology Today Website


All Events Are Neutral, Seriously

Possible to argue with this?

Our life is the result of the choices we make. We choose our state of being, attitude and frame of reference. If we hold others accountable for our life then we have to wait for them to change before we can change our life.  (Nathaniel Branden) 


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